ERIC the creative careers website and app highlighted a report this week that had been conducted by the brand communications agency Warbox which showed the surprising industry that employs more creative people than any other industry.
This is why ERIC thinks it's important to highlight it.
The Healthcare industry 🩻 employs more creative people in the UK than any other industry 🎨
"A new report, conducted by brand communications agency Warbox, has ranked industries in the UK based on their likelihood to invest in in-house creative roles.
The healthcare industry came out on top with an average creative headcount of 18%."
🚨 Why is this important? 🚨
Because often we think creative people are only employed in the Creative Industries.
This is not true. Healthcare is a wonderful example of how a non-creative industry needs creative people in it. Proof that creative jobs are EVERYWHERE.
The next generation of the workforce need to know that - we need to make sure young people aren't self-selecting out because they think: "If I'm a creative, I can only work in the creative industries."
Mark Fensom, Director of Warbox summarised it succinctly; “Even those industries with a perceived lack of need for creative roles, such as the warehousing and distribution industry, could benefit from hiring creative talent. It’s important for businesses to realise that creativity can unlock fresh perspectives and offer unique solutions to business challenges.”
Read the report for yourself here