Putting the 'Green' in Green Skills: Discover Plant-Based Careers in Horticulture.
About this webinar:
Join us in our webinar where you'll hear form people working at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) about finding your career in horticulture. This virtual event includes conversations and a live Q&A with approachable and passionate experts in practical horticulture as well as in plant science. They will provide an insight and advice about starting your career journey, and give you an understanding of the various routes into the sector.
You will also get to hear of opportunities to gain more practical experience prior to looking for entry-level positions and training at the RHS, such as work experience, volunteering, and paid internships in the Royal Horticultural Society's world-class garden and science teams.
Who should attend this webinar?
Students in Years 7 to 12 who are interested in learning more about the wide variety of aspirational careers within practical horticulture and science; teachers and careers leaders are also encouraged to join.
Structure of the event:
18:30: An introduction from Success at School
18:35: Showcasing practical horticulture and plant science careers
18:50: Where to go next - Routes into Horticulture
19:00-19:15: Live Q&A session hosted by Success at School
19:15: Close